Jamia Al-Fuqran

Water pumps

The Messenger of Allah (saw) was asked, “Which charity is best?” He replied, “[Providing] water”’. [Abu Dawud]

1 in every 3 people around the world do not have clean water to drink. Millions are forced to drink dirty, unsafe water that could kill them, and is spreading deadly diseases among vulnerable communities. Women and children are forced to walk miles each day on dangerous terrain to fetch clean water, when they should be at home, at school, thriving and content. In 2016, UNICEF estimated that 200 million hours a day are spent by women and girls around the world just collecting water. A water donation is one of the greatest things you can do with your charity this Ramadan.At Muslim Charity, our water projects are designed to provide clean water to vulnerable and impoverished communities, for years to come. We seek to provide long-term solutions to water scarcity in a world that is increasingly affected by water scarcity and climate change.  With your water donation, we strive to promote health and safety with fresh water supplies, and stop women and children having to walk for miles each day to collect water, by building hand pumps.

We also promote hygiene and raise awareness about sanitation and staying healthy within communities by working closely with the communities we are serving.

Clean water means people always have water to wash their hands and themselves, as well as kitchen utensils when cooking, helping to stop the spread of disease and illness. The risks of Covid-19 and other diseases could somewhat be managed with the ability to wash hands and sanitise. Each water donation provides water to families for drinking, washing, cleaning and cooking.

With your water donation, children from remote regions who would usually spend the day searching for water are now able to attend school seeking knowledge and developing, moving closer to fulfilling their dreams. Mothers are united with their families who would typically walk for miles every day in search of water. All of whom are now protected from water-borne diseases which is the root problem for majority of all illnesses in the third world countries. Your water donation truly helps saves lives and transforms communities.

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