Jamia Al-Fuqran

Water Wells

The Prophet (saw) said that ‘The best form of charity is to give someone water (to drink).’ (Ibn Majah)

Building a water well for a community can save lives, keep families healthy and promote health among the most vulnerable. Water well charity is a special kind of water charity as it supports those areas where drought is common and water is extremely difficult to find.

790 million people around the world are forced to drink dirty and contaminated water as they do not have access to clean and safe drinking water. Almost 1 million people a year are dying from water-related diseases and illnesses every year. With 842,000 people dying from diarrhoea alone each year, unsafe water is the single biggest obstacle to the progression and health of communities in the developing world.

When you give water well charity, you’ll be helping entire communities and you will give families direct access to clean and safe water every single day.

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