Jamia Al-Fuqran


Free library

The Jamia-Al-Furqan Free Library Project is an initiative aimed at promoting education and fostering a love for reading within the community. This project revolves around the estab...

Al-furqan Free IT & Computer Courses

The Al-Furqan Free IT & Computer Courses Project is an initiative organized by Jamia-Al-Furqan, a renowned educational institution. The project aims to provide free and accessi...

United Group of Collages

United Group of Colleges – Jamia-Al-Furqan The United Group of Colleges – Jamia-Al-Furqan is an ambitious educational project aimed at establishing a comprehensive and ...

Al-Furqan Homeopathic Medical College

The JAl-Furqan Homeopathic Medical College Project, also known as Jamia-Al-Furqan, is an initiative aimed at establishing a homeopathic medical college. The project seeks to provid...

Jamia Al Furqan Hifz-O-Nazra Quran

Jamia-Al-Furqan is a renowned Islamic educational institution that has initiated the Fiz-o-Nazra Quran Project. This project aims to promote the study and understanding of the Qura...

Jampur public high school jampur

Jamia-Al-Furqan at Jampur Public High School Jamia-Al-Furqan is an ambitious project undertaken by Jampur Public High School with the aim of establishing an Islamic education cente...

Deeni Uloom

The Deeni Uloom Project at Jamia-Al-Furqan is an educational initiative focused on providing comprehensive Islamic studies and religious education to students. Jamia-Al-Furqan is a...